As I look at the marches for social justiice on behalf of migrant workers and people who emigrated to the US without papers, I am happy to note the increase of a sense of community and support of some church priests and ministers. The tendency to reduce people to objects or criminals does injustice not only to the people referenced but also to ourselves for doing so starts the process of dehumanizing one group of people. If we can do that to one group we can do it to others and the chain created can lead to a nonspiritual and fascist state.
But wait! We are living in a country controlled by corporations and if I'm remembering correctly, that is the definition of a fascist state. This increased materialism, conflation of capitalism with democracy, loss of values all are leading us to live lives that do not stand for the principles this country began with. SO it is no surprise that the complacency and lack of participation in restarting or revolutionizing the system exists. The SHOCK of the mass demonstrations by these allegedly illegal workers has begun an expected spate of nasty comments by talking heads of US Media. Little do they realize the power of their words to poison the air between humans who in fact are in the same position. We are all victims of globalization. We are all paying for NAFTA, CAFTA and other treaties that increase globalization.
Lou Dobbs may rail against illegal immigrants, but his aim would be more effective if he railed against the government and the corporations that have created and expanded the mess that creates a decrease in pay, the middle class and increases those of us in the lower or poorer classes.