I'm thankful for life, work, and family. I'm thankful for the importance I and other members of my family are to one another. I'm thankful for my ancestors whose lives led the way; I'm thankful that I can still be pleasant when I talk to my grandson, newly enlisted and trained in the Army National Guard for Arizona, that we don't raise our voices when expressing opposing positions concerning the war.
I'm thankful to accept the offerings of family even when they've no clue of the value of reading and ideas and how much I love them. I'm thankful for being able to truly help my students even when I'm not at my best. I'm thankful for my students for they lift my soul when it wants to droop and flounder.
In a personal area, I'm thankful for learning to handle my own problems as I once did. I'm glad to be alive and thankful that others seem to be thankful for my life.
I"m thankful for my love of learning and politics and life.
I'm thankful for the hundreds of people whose writings keep me alert and laughing if not screaming.
Alec Baldwin a wonderful actor who is increasingly gaining my admiration for his public positions on peace/war/ left/right issues, wrote a blog entry giving thanks for service men and women. In it he thanks the men and women serving in our armed services. His post begins a bit defensive by stating that it may be a bit "corny" to thank our troops. The remainder of his post went to the point. My response to Mr. Baldwin should I ever get the opportunity to meet a high powered actor would be to state that Thanking people for their service to our country regardless of our position on the war in which the troops serve is never corny. Overall, Baldwin's post made a day that started off questionably end quite well.
From Ariana Huffington
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