Monday, December 31, 2007
From Arianna on DC Conventional Wisdom
With the lack of audience engagement with critical analysis of the news they get, it is easy to see one of the reasons for citizen apathy. Of course, this 24/7 cycle of news tends to overwhelm even the most thoughtful person. Could that be the reason for non engagement with civic issues?
NYT End of Year Editorial
I still feel we should call the Department of Defense by its old name, the "Department of War" and that we should form a Department for Peace.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Once Again Republicans "Eat" One of Their Own
Benazir Bhutto: From the Oxford Union to Her Last Rally in Rawalpindi
Women leaders who represent what is good in human kind are rare in the rarefied atmosphere of international/world politics. Women, who like me, work toward making their ideals a reality are rarer still because idealism interferes with the status quo of acquiring and keeping power to the detriment of people one is supposed to lead, guide, and help. Despite the contradictory comments about Bhutto's political history, I tend to honor her. After all her history is frequently transcribed by men whose own attachment to power and corruption is challenged by women such as Bhutto. May she be at peace. May her family feel her strength and love in the months and years ahead, and may the many decent people of Pakistan get leaders worthy of their support. That is my small prayer from Tempe Arizona on a day such as today.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Burning Fires in CA -- National Guard in Iraq
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
A Courthouse in Iraq
Promotion for David

Despite my oposition to the war, I do have friends and family over in Iraq and Afghanistan. David has been over in Iraq three times now. He is happy to be a noncommissioned officer at a higher rank than the private first class which is my grandson's rank.
Some days are good for some of these youngish men.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Peace and Justice?
Friday, July 20, 2007
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Taking Apart Bill O'Reilly's Shoddy Journalism
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Taking Apart Bill O'Reilly's Shoddy Journalism
Clinton Hits Back at Pentagon Official - The Huffington Post
I'm not a great fan of Senator Clinton but in this instance she is 100 per cent correct.
Clinton Hits Back at Pentagon Official - The Huffington Post
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Fourth of July 2007
I pray for all our citizens and our boys overseas. I pray for an end to war and hate and pray for more understanding among people around the world.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Peace and JFK
Reading the new book on the Kennedy brothers merely underscores the accuracy of this quote. I do hope someone will be courageous enough to follow up on such an idea--peace--that can lead us out of the quagmires of war.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Alliance for Peace
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
He's at it Again
When two-faced Lieberman (and I do hate ad hominem attacks), leaves the party he spent so much of his time in so that he could retain power (however much a United States Senator might have) to undermine the call of most of the people in that party he demonstrates his duplicity. Perhaps his ties to Israel create his thinking of war in the Middle East. Perhaps he should be a senator there rather than here. I have felt for a long time that he thinks of what is best for Israel and conflates that thinking with his perceptions of what is good for the US. But is his thinking really accurate?
I'm with the doves here, we must appeal to the higher angels of our nature before even thinking of more death and carnage on this continent or anywhere else.
General Wesley Clarke sent an address for a new website he's created: Stop War in Iran
I hope more people on the blogosphere sign on.
Monday, June 11, 2007
A Personal Plea for Peace
We should lead a world to develop the better nature of humankind--not the lowest and darkest nature of our beings.
I'm reading a new book on the Kennedy Brothers--Robert and John and wonder how our world would look today if either or both had not been assassinated. Ah well we can't know that, but I hope future world leaders will pick up courageously the cause of peace.
How could we go about such a venture? Some would say addressing the needs of the poor, not only the desires of the rich, could lead to people having more time to spend on developing the better natures of their being instead of pursuing survival.
That would be one thought that I fear our present culture/society ignores.
Friday, June 08, 2007
George Washington Comments on George W. Bush
Retired Gen. George Washington Criticizes Bush's Handling Of Iraq War
This delightful story from the online version of The Onion highlights what many peacenicks have been thinking and saying--The Shrub has mismanaged the war and has not acted within the confines of his job description--seeking instead to become the monarch that George Washington refused to become following end of the Revolutionary war and the end of his second term in office in 1796. Congress does not get off in this delightful and insightful commentary. Civilian authorities should pay attention to their responsibilities of oversight and not give any elected representative, like the president, leave to usurp more power than the constitution allows.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on Rudy Giulianni
Either or talk and misrepresentation of others' positions lead to the kind of thinking that led to war--in this case a warrant less war.
Olbermann's discussion helps place a bit of sense to the Gulliani self serving untruthful statements.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Keith Olbermann Interviews Bill Maher March 27, 2007
As I wrote in the post below this one, people must be honest. If one is principled, one should stick to those principles. Placating our baser urges as many have done in this era leads to the ethical problems we see in government and in other areas of life.
Defining Our Principles
Ms Khalid indicates that placating frightened Europeans by identifying herself as a moderate Muslim would nullify her definition of orthodoxy--namely being pious about her faith. Changing her identity would further distort Muslim faith and align it more with bombers and other radical elements which she claims Muslims in general are not.
Another person whose credentials have risen sharply in my estimation is Dennis Kucinich. I usually enjoy listening to Bill Maher but was not pleased when he persisted in attempting to get Mr. Kucinich to answer questions his way. Mr. Kucinich would not. Citing his own beliefs, Kucinich claimed his belief in working toward peace not war and that use of assassination as a tactic would not be his policy even if the target were Osama bin Laden.
Kudos to Kucinich who everyday says and does things many of us believe in.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Dennis Kucinich Discusses Iraq War Vote and Funding on CNN
People who want peace should be consistent. Here Dennis Kucinich is the one man who has stood on his principles while others put their fingers to the wind to see which way the wind blows.
Hurray for Dennis. He makes my other possible choices for president look like hawks. I do hope his ideas catch fire.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Marianne Williamson Department of Peace Interview
I just received this bit of information from a colleague. Whereas the current department of defense was known as department of war during WWII and before that era, it is important to be "proactive" in developing and continuing peace in our world. Thus it is important to develop a cabinet level Department of Peace. Thus Williamson's call for a Department of Peace and all the monies and divisions that would serve peace in our country and world. Given the events of 4/16 in Virginia, it is evident that we need a Cabinet level Department of Peace.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Can Decreasing Poverty Lead to Peace?
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Radicals for Peace
For Lasting Peace Put God First?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Blog | Arianna Huffington: The Injustice at Justice: The White House's Fingerprints Begin to Show | The Huffington Post
Will the White House do more than offer a sacrificial lamb or scapegoat for this scandal? That is the question du jour. Who will be the counsel firings' Libby? It'll be sad for our country if people so eager for war demonstrate such cowardice because of their attachment to power.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Bait and Switch
Thursday, March 08, 2007
From Arrianna
What a lousy system!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Leaving Iraq?
Eisenhower's Farewell Address: A Lesson for Today
I heard Bill Gates in front of a senate committee providing cogent and forward thinking suggestions about how to deal with education and nary a word of this was published on the online blogs and news papers I read. A nation that does not keep its citizens well prepared for the future has a bleak future of its own.
It was great hearing that problem solving assignments engage even high risk students. I'll see how that plays out at the conference I'll attend in the next two weeks.
Unlike Eisenhower who cautioned a future government to aim for balance in the use of a military industrial complex, current presidents have failed and now we are neglecting social programs for an increase in military spending. The costs are mighty in terms of lives, blood, and money and in terms of what we do not do for the future citizens of our country and what we do not do now for the poor, under educated etc.
So I wish that the Shrub would be more like George Washington and Dwight David Eisenhower and less like Cheney.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Column of the Americas
As a Latina, I look to writers like Patrisia Gonzales and Roberto Rodriguez in their Column of the Americas. I hope the occasional reader who stops by my blog will find their words helpful in understanding people with the rich perspectives they provide.
Listening to NPR I Was Surprised
Kiva Org
Competence in Policy
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." I imagine the word to focus is incompetent. Not a very "nice" thing to say about people who lead our country, but one that should/could be considered given many issues that affect our lives. War, peace, poverty programs or lack thereof, education, all these and many more issues require thoughtfulness and knowledge of the issues. Some of the policy created by leaders at many levels of government show a lack of competence. My question then becomes how can we raise the level of our leaders' competence to do the work people elected them to do? How can we work for a more peaceful world when so many issues remain unresolved, untended, or downright made worse by poor choices and political pandering to the lowest common denominators in our society?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Language and Peace
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Playfulness and Blogging
Opinion of Congress Improving?
It's good that the congress' polls are up. Now let us hope that more of these political types will take steps to do what is right for USAmerica instead of what will keep them in power. Our country has been hurt too much by war mongering, incompetent people now running the executive branches of government.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Beginnings of Peace?
Thoughts on Oversight Committees
If we went to war to bring "democracy" to Iraq, then why are so many of our civil rights being trampled on?
More importantly, why can't we get straight answers from those charged with preserving the republic/democracy? If so many acts lack transparency, we should have a greater outcry about the behaviors of those in power who work so hard to dampen our freedoms. See patriot act and the various attorney generals, generals, and others who obfuscate in front of congressional oversight committees.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Clash in Palestine Despite a Truce
Lust for Pets
In terms of peace, I feel more strongly that we must become more radical in demanding our rights as citizens of the most precious place on the planet--USAmerica. Who having read the founding fathers' struggles, and the struggles of subsequent generations can give up on such a wonderful place or at least a place that promises so much to all who live within its borders. These are the things that all politicians must address. We must work to fulfill the promise of the past as we work to meet the needs of the present.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Carter's Speech at Brandeis
Immigration: Will It Be the New Wedge Issue for the Right?
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Sen Leahy
One of the deterrents to peace is mindless adherence to prejudice. The case of Maher Arar -- the Canadian citizen who was stopped at JFK airport, sent to Syria to be tortured and later found to be completely innocent--demonstrates the bias we have toward people from Middle Eastern backgrounds. This particular bias fuels anti-USAmerican sentiments and thus increases instability among people around the world caught in the rhetorics of war on terrorism. In many ways the question can legitimately posed--who is the real terrorist when innocent people from Middle Eastern backgrounds cannot safely travel within USAmerican borders?
Friday, January 26, 2007
High Technology Notwithstanding
Thursday, January 25, 2007
A Perfect Circle - Imagine
After I listened to John Lennon earlier, I found a different version of his song. The videos are quite enlightening.
Jimmy Carter and Surviving Ideologues
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
A Democratic Response
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Media Needs Character and Strength
The concept of honesty and honor seem dead in today's USAmerican world and thus our standing in the world quite rightly has fallen to low levels. Tis a pity as this country has been good to many despite its imperialistic agendas and many people who live within its borders have worked to keep the founding ideals at work with a heavy cost to their lives.
Let the plans for our future develop with no war mongers and more peacemakers. That is my prayer for the future.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Misadventure Moving Us Away from Peace
When we went into the invasion of Iraq without cooperation from our allies, and wit little proofs we created a terrible environment which does not allow for peace or real democratic development. It is no wonder that the Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians, and Iranians to name just a few whose countries' stabilities are at stake, worry and reject USAmerican intrusion into the area. Later in the week I hope to connect the articles that led to my summary here in this post. However, Alternet, The Nation, The Huffington Post, and other articles provide the foundations for my conclusions.
Peace requires lack of violence in order that it thrive. Peace requires positive engagement wih people with whom we may disagree. Peace does not require saber rattling and not so veiled threats.
In a way the call for God's support in this Bushian misadventure is the last thing we need. I pray that God protect the soldiers, marines, air force, navy, and special troops that with God's grace they return as whole and as healthy as possible. I can't imagine the trauma these people endure and can only applaud their loyalty to a misbegotten war plan for they do what so many others have done before--they believe in their leaders and hence are willing to follow these leaders' hair brained plans.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
So Clinton's Team is Getting Testy, Is It?
I do not doubt that Mrs. Clinton is an intelligent, astute, competent, no nonsense woman, but I do question her lack of attachment to any principle worth having. She shakes hands with a Palestinian woman, comes to NY hears herself criticized and changes her mind about the plight of Palestinians. She votes for the Israeli interests because she cannot see the errors inherent in some of those interests and the truly non peace producing acts they engender.
Young John Edwards comes along and speaks out against the war that Bush began and that he supported. Edwards admits his error in supporting the president and now Clinton's campaign team tries to sully Edwards' character with accusations that are not true. Edwards does not criticize Democrats working to counter the president's position--only those Democrats who are working hand in glove with Bush.
Perhaps Mrs. Clinton's team should caution her to get Mr. Clinton from being so cozy with the Bush family. Her husband's infatuation with the elder Bush seems to be clouding her judgment on the difference between right and wrong, between what the definition of defeat in Iraq is etc.