Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So Clinton's Team is Getting Testy, Is It?

Once upon a time I dreamt of voting for a competent, principled, no nonsense woman for the position of President of the United States. I realized then and now that in order to run for the position the woman in question would have to be politically astute, cunning, and even ruthless; however, I expected her not to be like so many others--so married to other people's principles as to have lost a sense of acting on principles based on right or wrong. In other words, someone who, like Martin Luther King, Jr. would not allow naysayers to dissuade her from taking principled stances and arguing for them when others would distract her from those principles.

I do not doubt that Mrs. Clinton is an intelligent, astute, competent, no nonsense woman, but I do question her lack of attachment to any principle worth having. She shakes hands with a Palestinian woman, comes to NY hears herself criticized and changes her mind about the plight of Palestinians. She votes for the Israeli interests because she cannot see the errors inherent in some of those interests and the truly non peace producing acts they engender.

Young John Edwards comes along and speaks out against the war that Bush began and that he supported. Edwards admits his error in supporting the president and now Clinton's campaign team tries to sully Edwards' character with accusations that are not true. Edwards does not criticize Democrats working to counter the president's position--only those Democrats who are working hand in glove with Bush.

Perhaps Mrs. Clinton's team should caution her to get Mr. Clinton from being so cozy with the Bush family. Her husband's infatuation with the elder Bush seems to be clouding her judgment on the difference between right and wrong, between what the definition of defeat in Iraq is etc.

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