Friday, June 15, 2007

Peace and JFK


Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.
John F. Kennedy (1)
05/29/1917 - 11/22/1963
35th president of the USA

Reading the new book on the Kennedy brothers merely underscores the accuracy of this quote. I do hope someone will be courageous enough to follow up on such an idea--peace--that can lead us out of the quagmires of war.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Alliance for Peace

A new call for a Father's Day project aimed at reducing war and working for a Department of Peace.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

He's at it Again

Know I understand the reason for Gore losing to Bush--his vice-presidential running mate was Joe Lieberman. Now Generalissimo Lieberman wants to make war on Iran if it doesn't play by the rules. Whose rules? Where did Generalissimo Lieberman get the right to tell other countries how and when to behave by those rules? Doesn't the Generalissimo realize that his kind of talk contributes to the hatred festering in the very places he would invade and occupy?

When two-faced Lieberman (and I do hate ad hominem attacks), leaves the party he spent so much of his time in so that he could retain power (however much a United States Senator might have) to undermine the call of most of the people in that party he demonstrates his duplicity. Perhaps his ties to Israel create his thinking of war in the Middle East. Perhaps he should be a senator there rather than here. I have felt for a long time that he thinks of what is best for Israel and conflates that thinking with his perceptions of what is good for the US. But is his thinking really accurate?

I'm with the doves here, we must appeal to the higher angels of our nature before even thinking of more death and carnage on this continent or anywhere else.

General Wesley Clarke sent an address for a new website he's created: Stop War in Iran
I hope more people on the blogosphere sign on.

Monday, June 11, 2007

A Personal Plea for Peace

As a grandparent, I realize ever more acutely now that we must let our grandchildren seek their own way through life. Yesterday, we had a farewell dinner for my second grandchild, James Antonio Ernesto Rodriguez. He volunteered for Afghanistan and none of us know why. I couldn't help but cry at the thought of his leaving AND at the departure of all other young men and women who hold ideals of duty to this country in ways that differ from my own. I suppose that age leads to greater reflections on the beauty of life and the fact that in the words of JFK all wars are stupid.

We should lead a world to develop the better nature of humankind--not the lowest and darkest nature of our beings.

I'm reading a new book on the Kennedy Brothers--Robert and John and wonder how our world would look today if either or both had not been assassinated. Ah well we can't know that, but I hope future world leaders will pick up courageously the cause of peace.

How could we go about such a venture? Some would say addressing the needs of the poor, not only the desires of the rich, could lead to people having more time to spend on developing the better natures of their being instead of pursuing survival.

That would be one thought that I fear our present culture/society ignores.

Friday, June 08, 2007

George Washington Comments on George W. Bush


Retired Gen. George Washington Criticizes Bushs Handling Of Iraq War

The Onion

Retired Gen. George Washington Criticizes Bush's Handling Of Iraq War

This delightful story from the online version of The Onion highlights what many peacenicks have been thinking and saying--The Shrub has mismanaged the war and has not acted within the confines of his job description--seeking instead to become the monarch that George Washington refused to become following end of the Revolutionary war and the end of his second term in office in 1796. Congress does not get off in this delightful and insightful commentary. Civilian authorities should pay attention to their responsibilities of oversight and not give any elected representative, like the president, leave to usurp more power than the constitution allows.